速報APP / 商業 / Kuwait Local

Kuwait Local



檔案大小:40.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Kuwait Local(圖1)-速報App

Kuwait Local application has been designed to help all people living in Kuwait. by using our app users can perform all listed below

Kuwait Business Search - People living in Kuwait can search for any business in Kuwait by using business names, keywords and categories.

Kuwait Classifieds - Buy and Sell used goods at your finger tips

Kuwait Local(圖2)-速報App

Kuwait News - Get local news on your mobile app

Kuwait Exchange Rates - Get live Exchange rates of all currencies from all local banks and exchanges in Kuwait.

Kuwait Gold Rates - Get gold live rates of 24 carat, 22 carat, 18 carat

Kuwait Local(圖3)-速報App

Kuwait Forum - Discuss anything people are here to help you

Kuwait Events - Search any event , post any events in Kuwait

Visit our website - www.kuwaitlocal.com

Kuwait Local(圖4)-速報App

Anytime you can contact us info@kuwaitlocal.com or send us whatsapp message on 99767969

Kuwait Local(圖5)-速報App
